Terminator, Linda Hamilton on a possible new film: ''I won't return. I gave everything''

Despite James Cameron's intention to make a new film, Linda Hamilton reiterated that her experience in the Terminator saga is over forever.

Image Credit: Paramount Pictures

“If I were to make another movie and maybe try to revive that franchise again, which is in discussion although nothing has been decided, I would make it much more about artificial intelligence than about robots gone crazy.” With these words, recently, James Cameron revealed to the world that he is interested in making a new film in the Terminator saga. Given the director's intention, it is reasonable to ask whether the historic protagonists of the saga are also willing to return to the shoes of their respective characters, starting with Linda Hamilton, interpreter of the beloved Sarah Connor.

Linda Hamilton has no doubts: her experience with the Terminator saga has come to an end

Interviewed by Business Insider, Linda Hamilton – who played Sarah Connor for the first time in the first film in 1984, returning for the subsequent sequels Terminator 2 – Judgment Day (1991), Terminator Salvation (2009), and Terminator – Dark Fate ( 2019) – has clarified his position on a possible new Terminator film. “I gave, I gave. I have nothing more to say. The story has been told and it's exhausting for me. Why anyone would want to revive it is a mystery to me. But I know our world of Hollywood is all about relaunches right now,” the actress said.

Linda Hamilton then clarified that, although for many fans it is the opposite, she does not believe at all that the character of Sarah Connor is so “iconic”: “I really felt, and I still feel, that Sarah Connor is not an icon. She is a woman in hell. She makes some really bad choices. She's not a good mother, she's a good fighter! So, you try to analyze the details and think, 'Well, they respect her strength and her power, I created a warrior but she's pretty flawed. She is an imperfect person”.

Source: Business Insider

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