Madame Web: 5 reasons why the film is a flop

Image Credit: Sony Pictures

With the release of the first reviews, a decidedly negative picture emerges for Madame Web, the new Sony film, with some key elements contributing to criticism from the public and critics. The Madame Web storyline aims to expand Sony's Spider-Man universe into new territory, presenting an experience that comes closer than any previous film to the complete vision of the shared Spider-Man universe, but it doesn't seem to have succeeded in its aim.

1. Madame Web tries to be a movie like Spider-Man but fails

Madame Web tries to adhere to the template of a Spider-Man film but fails to convince both critics and audiences. Despite attempting to present four heroines with similarities to Spider-Man and an antagonist who seems directly pulled from the superhero universe, the film never manages to fully transform this premise into an engaging experience. Although there are characters connected to Spider-Man, such as the young Uncle Ben played by Adam Scott, and his sister Mary Parker, the final result could be more convincing compared to the films dedicated to Spider-Man.

2. There is little understanding between the protagonists

The promise of an interesting dynamic between Madame Web's heroines was one of the highlights of the wait for the film's release. However, according to reviews, this tease does not translate into reality, as the cast seems to lack on-screen chemistry. Unlike other films that focus on a single character, Madame Web has focused on the presence of multiple stars in its cast, but this decision has not led to the desired results. With the film appearing to disappoint on the chemistry front between the cast members, the results have fallen drastically lower.

3. In Madame Web the dialogues are not the best

The criticisms leveled at Madame Web's screenplay are numerous and persistent. Many viewers have noticed a rather problematic element in the film: the dialogues. This highlighted a problem plaguing the entire cast. Instead of offering a natural dialogue that fosters character development and a coherent plot flow, the film seems to overwork its stars, making the whole thing that much messier. This approach compromises audience immersion and makes it difficult to absorb the story, adding a further obstacle to enjoying the film.

4. The villain of the film seems to have been seen before

While Tahar Rahim has received praise for his past performances, his portrayal of the villain in Madame Web wasn't as convincing. Eleziel Sims, the character played by Rahim, was described in reviews as a generic villain with weak dialogue, while the actor's delivery of lines was deemed incredibly unnatural. The plot and dialogues related to Sims' character were also criticized by the audience for their repetitiveness, contributing to the general disappointment found in the film's villain.

5. Where are the protagonist's powers?

Last, but not least, an element that seems to have escaped no one's notice: the near absence of the protagonist's powers, which she doesn't seem to want to use. This is why Dakota Johnson's performance as Cassandra Webb in Madame Web has aroused conflicting opinions among reviewers. While some praise the actress's wit in the title role, others deem her lackluster. Negative reviews point out that the character does not adequately use his ability to see the future to anticipate the villain's moves during battles or for other interesting purposes.