Connected: Review of the Prime Video and Apple TV documentary film

The pros and cons, benefits, and dangers of AI in Simona Calo's documentary, available from 23 February 2024 on Prime Video and Apple TV.

Image Credit: Apple TV+/Prime Video

Artificial intelligence yes, artificial intelligence no, this is the dilemma William Shakespeare would say through the mouth of Prince Hamlet in his famous tragedy if I am the illustrious English playwright and poet who found himself living and facing a question so thorny in our day that it ignites a fiery debate in public opinion. This last split immediately between those in favor and not of the use of the aforementioned technologies in all possible and imaginable fields, so much so that for many they represent a threat to human beings, designing dystopian scenarios that foresee a real catastrophe. 

But what if the AI itself was questioning and questioning itself on the issue, asking and asking itself questions to which it would try to give answers by arguing and raising new questions about it? This is what Simona Calo attempted to do, with the collaboration in the writing phase of Luca Monaco and Simon Poggi, in the documentary Connected, available from 23 February 2024 on Prime Video and Apple TV in 74 countries around the world.

Connected is a journey into the transformative power of artificial intelligence and its ability to redefine the essence of humanity, generating an interesting contradiction

The documentary film tells the journey through the transformative power of artificial intelligence and its ability to redefine the essence of humanity. It does so with a composite structure, which recounts the symbiotic relationship between humanity and technology, in which their intertwined destinies shape the course of our collective future. It starts from the assumption that technology plays a central role in the life of each individual, extending to the social, work, and domestic spheres, unlike past eras. This is why it was useful - not to mention fundamental - to delve deeper into the topic with a series of arguments developed for approximately sixty minutes that make up the timeline. 

Image Credit: Apple TV+/Prime Video

Arguments, those covered in Connected, generate an interesting contradiction between the sides involved, where it is the AI itself that acts as a figure informed of the facts and impartial. The plot alternates interviews with experts from the worlds of academia, business, politics, creativity, and medicine, with the story of a musician named Andy (played by Richard Rowden) who finds himself facing a crucial question that could redefine his future profession. Will artificial intelligence mark the end of his career or allow him to explore new creative horizons? Upon viewing the arduous sentence.

A hybrid project in which the scientific-themed documentary mixes seamlessly with the investigation and works with a social background

Potential and future applications in the most disparate fields emerge from this fusion between documentary and fiction, evaluating case by case the pros and cons put on the scales from time to time with absolute neutrality and objectivity on the part of the author. In our opinion, this represents the strong point of a hybrid project in which the scientific-themed documentary mixes seamlessly with the investigation and the work with a social background. 

Connected in fact branches out its narrative roots in the aforementioned identities and expressions of the cinema of reality, causing a succession of chapters to germinate on the screen that chase away the specters of a futuristic vision that is entirely destructive and bordering on the apocalyptic to leave room for a more constructive comparison/meeting between thoughts, ideas, and positions of those who in various capacities are involved in this collective debate, making different points of view available to the narrative which illustrate both the technological advantages of AI and the high risks of exacerbating inequalities social issues caused by inappropriate and wrong uses. Hence the need for a correct, fair, and prejudice-free approach to the documentary and the topic covered arises. Only in this way will it be possible to grasp and appreciate the essence and creative effort behind its design and creation.

Image Credit: Apple TV+/Prime Video

Connected: evaluation and conclusion

Advantages and disadvantages, benefits and dangers of artificial intelligence represent the argumentative and narrative fabric of a documentary which, in addition to mixing real testimonies and fictional inserts, brings the investigation closer to more specifically scientific and social purposes. All this generates an interesting debate between the parties involved, who discuss ethical and sociological questions at a distance and solicited by an impartial AI to which they try to give more or less exhaustive answers or at least hypotheses. For the rest, Connected uses classic packaging from a visual point of view, with direction and technical packaging that functionally serves the story.

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